Engaging the Community

In 2015, Pastor spoke to the congregation and explained that God gave him a vision to update our sign if we are to Engage the Community.  Many agreed to follow the vision God gave Pastor Jarden, although a select few was hesitant.  Two weeks later, Deridder experienced a small tornado and the sign was ripped apart and the debris was left in the street.  Pastor came before the congregation and explained that if we didn’t need a sign, we sure need one now.

Pastor Jarden put into place a pledge thermometer poster and asked the congregation to pledge whatever God laid on their heart.  In less than six months, over half of the money was raised for the sign.
In 2016, Pastor Jarden explained that the media ministry was the next thing to be put in place.  A faithful member paid for a new PA system, after which the congregation put together and bought two 52 inch T.V. monitors to aid the Media Ministry. The church live streams every Tuesday so that those who cannot make it out to Bible Study are able hear the word of God.
Our faith has increased all the more because we are about Kingdom assignment. Our newly remodeled kitchen and Pastor’s office was updated and painted. On May 6, 2017; we have now renamed Tully Street in honor of our late pastor;  Pastor George B Harris.
In 2017; God led Pastor Jarden and his family to purchase a house directly across the street from the church.  Now they are fully engaging  the community.