We want to personally invite you to come and visit one of our Adult Sunday School classes. Sunday School is a big part of what we do at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Some would say “if you have not visited Sunday School you really have not visited the S.P.O.T.” This is the place where you can connect with others while growing in your faith. We all need a “Group that we can do Life with”, find yours through Mt. Zion Sunday School!
Our goal is to provide you with Bible learning opportunities that promote transformation of life. Our core classes are on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.We offer classes for all ages. Weekday and evening Bible study opportunities are also offered as a supplement to the Sunday School. Our teachers meet every Tuesday for Teachers meeting.
Sunday School forms an extremely important link in your spiritual growth journey.
These classes form a family-like center of support and encouragement. There you are able to learn God’s truths and put them into practice. You will form life-long, deep relationships and find a place to serve others in Christ. You will be able to lead others to become disciples. You will find the chance to share the Gospel on a regular basis through mission projects and outreach. We challenge you to make worship and Sunday School a regular part of your week.
We encourage you to find the right class for you to plant your life and grow. Worship and Sunday School are a great starting point for you as you become a Christ-centered disciple. May God bless this great adventure!