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The ministry of church ushers plays a vital role in the hospital and welcome ministry of the local church.

Together with church greeters and church ushers help the church member, visitor (guest) experience a wonderful worship service.

Church ushers are a significant part of hospitality committee and fulfill specific duties to accomplish that role.

Areas of responsibility for the role of church ushers

Generally, the ministry of church ushers focuses on the following areas of responsibilities (if they occur in your church):

  • Assist in the seating members and visitors
  • Provide care for the needs of the pastor during the service.
  • Attend to the needs of the visiting speaker or guests of honor.
  • Maintain the decorum of the service, according to the church’s tradition.
  • Watch for the safety of the congregation and acting as the line of first response to medical emergencies.
  • Collect and perhaps counting the offering.
  • Attend to altar ministry or response ministry as people respond to the sermon’s invitation.

The specific duties of the ministry of church ushers will vary.

For some churches, the role of church usher is they can be trained to be watchful and vigilant in when there is something of concern or emergencies.

You may choose to develop a more formal security team apart from the role of church ushers.

2.  What is the difference between a church usher and a church greeter?

Your church may or may not distinguish between the roles of church ushers and church greeters, but most churches will make a distinction in role and function.

Church greeters focus their attention in the lobby areas or exterior entry doors.

Other than serving location, the difference between a church usher and church greeter is one of scope of roles.

Church greeters focus on guests and members in the lobby and can engage in meaningful small talk with guests and members.

Church greeters welcome, inform, and serve guests in the parking lot, sidewalks and at the entrance to our building.

Bro Adrian Arnold-President